Rosemary Schwoerer, MS, is the WorkLink coordinator and project manager. Rosemary has been with WorkLink since August of 2021, and is responsible for teaching the seminar, coordinating student schedules and allies, and day-to-day management of WorkLink. Rosemary has extensive experience in special education, and working with students of all ages and backgrounds. Prior to coming to WorkLink, Rosemary spent 3 years at LifeLink PSU and got to know many of the SCASD students, families, and Penn State classes and professors.
Allison R. Fleming, PhD, CRC, is an Associate Professor of Education in the Rehabilitation and Human Services and Counselor Education program at Penn State University- University Park campus. She has 18 years of experience as a rehabilitation counselor, educator, and researcher. Dr. Fleming has previous experience working with Community Rehabilitation Providers in continuing education on best practices in supported employment and related vocational services, as well as in a counselor and program evaluation capacity with VR agencies. She is the Director of the WorkLink PSU program at University Park. As director, Dr. Fleming is involved in all aspects of program planning and implementation, instruction, student support, mentor recruitment and supervision, person- centered planning, collaborating with students, families, and community supports, and communicating with Penn State faculty about student progress in their classes. Dr. Fleming was Co-PI on the D.R.E.A.M. Partnership grants (with Dr. Wendy Coduti- founding faculty member of WorkLink) supporting the WorkLink program. Dr. Fleming’s research interests include educational and employment outcomes of college students with disabilities, evaluation of programs and services supporting individuals with disabilities, and best practices in rehabilitation